Hello World

Hello and welcome!


I'm Jacquie, a lot of people like to call me Jax! I'm a junior developer. I started my career in Marketing and found myself love the more techie side to my role, such as creating emails from scratch, (poor attempts at) writing SQL scripts and building web pages for promotional offers. After some time reflecting on what it was I wanted to do with my career, I decided it was time to see what I could do with code and follow my dream... which turn out to be an easy decision. I usually use Twitter as a microblogging platform, but after a lot of persuasion, a few friends have encouraged me to start blogging. If you like GIFS, or prefer less wordy updates, you can find me on Twitter @HolaJacquie.


I decided to create this website to use as part of my next #100DaysOfCode challenge, and for three reasons:


Learn more specifically Umbraco, ASP .NET and front end tech. 

Share my journey

Encourage others that it is possible to change careers and join the tech industry!


I also love design, and have a passion for UX and nice UI. I'm currently learning about .NET Core, Vue.js and expanding my CSS knowledge!


Five facts about me:


1. I love yellow, mostly mustard and also the song!

2. I'm half German and often visit family in Berlin.

3. I knit, I'm not a master at it yet but well on my way to Purlidise City (Sorry not sorry!)

4. I share an allotment with my boyfriend.

5. I'm a trained Holistic Therapist, but I've never practiced.


Must also add... My opinions are my own.